Brutal and Indiscriminate Attacks Against Civilians Must Stop - Humanitarian Coordinator for Ukraine Denise Brown Condemns New Wave of Air Assaults on Ukrainian Populated Cities [EN/UK/RU]


I was having coffee at home this morning in Kyiv, my neighbours were getting ready for work, children preparing to go to school, when our homes started to shake because of a wave of airstrikes on the Ukrainian capital. The attacks caused damage to civilian buildings just next to the United Nations office in Kyiv. Homes were damaged and civilians – those I just mentioned who were only trying to continue with their lives despite the war – are now hospitalized.

In Kharkiv, our team on the ground told us that rescuers are trying to find people under the rubble of a residential building hit and the wave of aerial assaults also caused loss and destruction in the Dnipro Region.

These strikes are yet another bitter reminder of the devastation, suffering and distress that Russia’s invasion is causing for millions of people in Ukraine.
Brutal and indiscriminate attacks against civilians must stop.

Kyiv, 23 January 2024

For further information, please contact:/ Saviano Abreu, OCHA: +380 504 223 943, OCHA press releases are available at or