Media Advisory: Visit by Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs/Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator Ursula Mueller to Ukraine


WHO: Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs/Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator Ms. Ursula Mueller

WHAT: Mission to Ukraine

WHEN: 10-13 October 2017

WHERE: Ukraine: Kyiv and field locations

Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator Ursula Mueller will visit Ukraine from 10 to 13 October 2017, where she is scheduled to meet senior government officials, members of the humanitarian and diplomatic communities, and families displaced by the conflict. She will also visit parts of eastern Ukraine to see, first-hand, the humanitarian situation in the areas affected by the fighting, now in its fourth year.

As winter approaches, UN agencies and partners are working with the Government of Ukraine and the de facto authorities to ensure the most vulnerable people along the contact line are equipped to survive. Across the country, some four million people (around 9 per cent of the population) are currently in need of humanitarian assistance.

With only 26 per cent of the humanitarian funding requirements met, Ukraine’s US$204-million Humanitarian Response Plan remains critically underfunded.

For more details on this mission and for interview requests, please contact:
Valijon Ranoev, OCHA Kyiv | T: +38 050 422-3943 |
Russell Geekie, OCHA New York | T: +1 212 963 8340 |