For the people of Ukraine, the new year started with loss, pain, and anguish - Humanitarian Coordinator for Ukraine Denise Brown condemns repeated wave of attacks on Ukraine's capital and populated cities [EN/RU/UK]


For the people of Ukraine, the new year started with loss, pain, and anguish. For the third day in row, vast aerial assaults by the Russian Federation have caused death – including several children - and destruction of homes and other civilian infrastructure. It is particularly alarming that many parts of the capital, Kyiv, have been left without electricity or water, knowing temperatures this week will reach close to -20 degrees Celsius. Hostilities have also cut off hundreds of thousands of people from power in the Donetsk Region.

On behalf of the humanitarian community, I reiterate our commitment to keep supporting the people of Ukraine suffering the devastation caused by Russia’s invasion. And today, my thoughts are with the families and friends of those killed or injured and with those who fear for the missing.

Again, the United Nations reminds the Russian Federation that indiscriminate attacks against civilians and civilian infrastructure are strictly forbidden under international humanitarian law.

*** Kyiv, 2 January 2024
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