Statement by the Humanitarian Coordinator in Ukraine Osnat Lubrani [EN/RU/UK]


(Kyiv, 24 February 2021). As we try to understand the evolving situation in different parts of the country, I wanted to express our solidarity with the Ukrainian people. The United Nations and our humanitarian partners are committed to staying and delivering. We are here to support the people exhausted by years of conflict and we are prepared to respond in case of any increase in humanitarian needs.

Humanitarian assistance is guided by the four principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence. Our aim is always to provide the most vulnerable civilians with critical humanitarian relief supplies and services, regardless of who or where they are. We remind all parties to uphold their obligations under international humanitarian law.

For more information, please contact:

Amanda Pitt, UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), Tel.: +380 50 380 7943 | Email:

Lizaveta Zhuk, OCHA in Ukraine,, Tel. +380 50 344 16 94