Ukraine Humanitarian Fund: 2024 Mid-Year Snapshot (January - June 2024) [EN/UK]



In the first half of 2024, the Ukraine Humanitarian Fund (UHF) issued grants to partners under its first Standard Allocation to the value of US$75.7 million. Through this allocation, the UHF provided highly targeted multi-sectoral humanitarian assistance through 41 projects to nearly 600,000 vulnerable war-affected people across Ukraine, in line with the prioritized activities under the 2024 Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan.

This allocation demonstrated the UHF’s continued commitment to meaningful local partnerships by promoting participation and capacity strengthening of Ukrainian organizations, including national and local NGOs, civil society organizations and volunteer groups. More than 60 per cent of the allocation – $46.6 million – was provided directly to national NGOs or as sub-implementing partners.

On 14 May, given the rapidly evolving humanitarian needs in eastern Ukraine, the Humanitarian Coordinator approved the immediate release of $3.8 million through the UHF to two national and one international NGO to support evacuations and the response to these in Kharkivska and Donetska oblasts.

In line with UHF’s localization strategy, the funds strengthen the institutional capacity of local organizations and enhance the safety and security of aid workers. Working closely with its partners, such as the Nonviolent Peaceforce and the Relief Coordination Center, the UHF is piloting an armoured vehicle loan scheme to support local organizations working in front-line areas, protecting humanitarian staff and civilian evacuees.

In the first half of 2024, the UHF received more than $53 million of funding from 11 donors. Eighty per cent of the funding was provided by Norway ($11.2 million), Korea ($10 million), Belgium ($7.6 million), Australia ($6.7 million) and Denmark ($6 million).