UN support to Ukraine in the face of the Kakhovka Dam disaster [EN/UK]


UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator Denise Brown today met with Ukraine's Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba, reassuring him of the United Nations’ support in the face of the Kakhovka Dam disaster, and that UN teams have been on the ground since the first day.

UN and humanitarian partners have been delivering water, food and cash to people affected by floods in Kherson and Mykolaiv oblasts in partnership with the local authorities since the first day of this disaster.

Plans are now being made, also in partnership with oblast authorities, to reach the wider flood affected areas as soon as possible, once the military deems it safe, given the risks as fast-moving water shifts mines and unexploded ordnance to areas previously assessed as cleared.

The UN is committed to reaching all Ukrainians in need on both sides of the river bank. We have repeatedly requested access and safety guarantees, in particular to the left bank, from the Russian Federation authorities that are in temporary military control of these areas. We have not received that access, nor the necessary safety guarantees for humanitarian staff and the people they would help there.

The UN is also working with all relevant Ukrainian government ministries on the assessment of longer-term damage caused by this disaster.