The UN Urges an Immediate Pause in Fighting as the Situation in Mariupol Deteriorates Sharply


The UN calls for pause in fighting to allow safe evacuation of civilians in besieged Mariupol

Kyiv – (24 April 2022) - The United Nations on Sunday called for an immediate stop in fighting in the besieged city of Mariupol in southern Ukraine to allow civilians reportedly trapped in the city to get out safely.

“The lives of tens of thousands including women, children and older people, are at stake in Mariupol,” said Amin Awad the UN’s Crisis Coordinator for Ukraine. “We need a pause in fighting right now to save lives. The longer we wait the more lives will be at risk. They must be allowed to safely evacuate now, today. Tomorrow could be too late.” Awad said.

Earlier this month, the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called for a humanitarian pause in hostilities as Orthodox Christians celebrate Easter.

Today on Easter Day, Awad reiterated Guterres’ appeal for a halt to fighting to allow lifesaving supplies into Mariupol and other areas under attack and enable the departure of those wanting to leave amid reports of the situation in Mariupol deteriorating dramatically.

“At a time of a rare calendar alignment of the religious holidays of Orthodox Easter, Passover and Ramadan, it is the time to focus on our common humanity, setting divisions aside,” he said.

For further information, please contact:

Kris Janowski, Office of the UN Crisis Coordinator for Ukraine
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Saviano Abreu, OCHA: +380 681 334 432, WhatsApp/Signal: +254 780 530 141, 
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