US$162 million urgently needed as millions in eastern Ukraine struggle to make ends meet [EN/RU/UK]


(Kyiv, 13 February 2019) The United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator Ms. Osnat Lubrani yesterday briefed the UN Member States in New York via a video connection from Kyiv on the humanitarian situation in Ukraine as part of the launch of country’s 2019 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP). The Plan aims to reach some 2.3 million people with humanitarian aid on both sides of the “contact line”.

“The crisis enters its sixth year this spring and millions of people continue to bear its heaviest brunt. While I admire their strength, people’s capacities have been exhausted, and they rely on aid to make their ends meet,” Ms. Lubrani stressed, noting that the protracted humanitarian situation in the country’s East has eroded people’s dignity and wellbeing.

In 2018, the humanitarian community managed to provide some 1.3 million people with aid on both sides of the “contact line”. In 2019, they appeal for US$162 million to reach 2.3 million most vulnerable men, women and children. “Despite a challenging operational environment, humanitarians on the ground are making a real difference,” Ms. Lubrani said, thanking the donors for their support.

“However, we see a worrying trend of decreasing funding each year, although humanitarian needs remain high,” she said. “Last month, the Emergency Relief Coordinator released US$6 million from the Central Emergency Response Fund to support the Humanitarian Response Plan and to help expand our critical humanitarian operations,” Ms. Lubrani said. “I call on the international community to not lose sight of the human face of this crisis. The hopeful people of Ukraine are counting on us to assist them through their challenges by funding this Plan,” Ms. Lubrani stressed.

“During my visits to eastern Ukraine, I talk to families and hear their stories. As fatigue sets in, I see that people of eastern Ukraine are losing hope. What they really want is a sustained peace. This is the only solution to their problems,” Ms. Lubrani concluded.

For further information, please contact:

Valijon Ranoev, OCHA Ukraine:, tel. +38 050 422-3943