Vanuatu: Tropical Cyclone Judy and Tropical Cyclone Kevin: Situation Report No. 5 (As of 29 March 2023)


This report is produced by the OCHA Office of the Pacific Islands in collaboration with humanitarian partners under the Pacific Humanitarian Team. It covers the period from 23 to 29 March 2023


• Tropical cyclones JUDY and KEVIN (both of Cat 4 intensity) made landfall over Vanuatu on the 1st and 3rd March, affecting over 251,000 people.

• As of 29 th March, 38 evacuation centers remain active, hosting 983 people (222 households) in Shefa and Tafea, while 812 people (130 households) are staying with host households.

• Over 4,000 affected households have been reached with Emergency Shelter distributions in Shefa (2960 HH) and Tafea (1156 HH) Provinces.

• Food Security and Agriculture Cluster (FSAC) partners are nearing completion of Priority Areas 1 and 2 across Shefa and Tafea Provinces of the “First Push” which covers all Priority Areas.

• The Ministry of Lands has distributed 215 collapsible containers, delivered approx. 78,230 litres of water, and installed 83 water filters in affected communities in Moso, Efate and Tanna, benefitting approx. 729 households.

• An estimated 80% of households are now supplied with electricity.

• Gender and Protection Cluster partners are coordinating the distribution of another 1500 dignity kits in Tanna, and 300 in Eromango, while 411 solar lights have been handed over to the Disability Sub-Cluster to be distributed in Efate to 411 people with disabilities; another 207 solar lights and infant kits are being distributed in Shepherd Outer Island.

• The Rapid Gender and Protection analysis for TC Judy and Kevin response and recovery has been completed.

• As recorded in the NDMO 3W live dashboard, the Clusters have distributed collectively over 24,986 reliefs items to affected people.


Following the two category 4 tropical cyclones (JUDY and KEVIN) which hit Vanuatu on the 1 and 3 March, a State of Emergency was declared by national authorities on the entire country on the 5 th of March. As of 29th March, the Government of Vanuatu (GoV) is reporting that 233,338 people are affected by the two cyclones. Updated reports (28 th March) from the National Disaster Management Office (NDMO), signal that there are currently 983 people in the 38 active Evacuation Centers in Shefa and Tafea (222 households), while 812 people (130 households) are placed in host households.

Over 4,000 affected households (HH) have been reached with Emergency Shelter distributions in Shefa (2960 HH) and Tafea (1156 HH) Provinces; The Shelter Cluster strategy V1 focusing on Priority one area, with a target of 15,000 HH, has been agreed and shared with partners.

The Priority Areas identified by the latest Vanuatu NDMO’s Situation Report (28 th March) are:


•Efate and Tafea


•Shepherd & Epi Island
•Southwest Malekula
•Southeast Ambrym


•Northern part of Penama
•Western part of Malampa


•Mere-lava Island
•Maewo Island


•Southwest Ambyrm

The “First Push” of dry rations distribution in all Priority Area is almost completed; a “second Push” will follow.
Overall, FSAC has distributed 17,733 bags of rice, 9,728 cartons of canned protein, 5.212 cartons of water, and 1,322 cartons of crackers. WFP charter flights arrived on the 25th and 26th March carrying food rations and water from Fiji Government, while the domestic vessel “Young Blood” is continuing the NFI distribution (tents, shelter toolkits, blankets, bedsheets, mattresses, folded beds, and kitchen sets) to Tafea Outer Islands (Erromango, Lenakel, Aniwa, Futuna and Anietyum).

The Health Cluster is circulating mass awareness to media outlets concerning leptospirosis health awareness (19 cases reported after the cyclones and 3 related deaths), and water-borne diseases (related cases have been decreasing in the past two weeks). 68 health facility assessments have been conducted across three provinces Shefa (44), Tafea (22) and Malampa (2) and continue to be conducted in affected areas. Over ⅓ of health facilities are moderately or severely damaged or have moderately or severely damaged medical equipment. Water supply and quality is an issue in about half of facilities assessed and non-functioning toilets in about ⅔ of health facilities. The Health Cluster is supporting national authorities with the deployment of Medical Assistance Teams and the deployment of medical specialists.

The Ministry of Lands distributed 215 collapsible containers, delivered approx. 78,230 litres of water, and installed 83 water filters in affected communities in Moso, Efate and Tanna, benefitting approx. 729 households; World Vision distributed 86 collapsible containers, 58 hygiene kits and 58 water containers in Paama and this benefitted approximately 228 people from 45 households. Overall, the WASH cluster is continuing to distribute water trucking and water containers in Efate and Paama. WASH items have been loaded to LC Sranuku and HELPER 1 for Tanna, including jerry cans, toilet sets, water filters and other related NFI.

The Education Cluster signals that there are a total of 299 school buildings including classrooms which have been damaged in Tafea, and require immediate support, including temporary shelters for learning, with an estimated 7,362 students affected. Meanwhile, Temporary learning spaces have been provided by Save the Children to 17 schools, where they have erected 26 tents benefiting 856 children. Save the Children also distributed 600 school bag kits in Tafea.

UNICEF also established 110 tents that benefited about 5,000 learners.

The Gender and Protection Cluster is coordinating the distribution of another 1500 dignity kits in Tanna, and 300 in Eromango, while 411 solar lights have been handed over to the Disability Sub-Cluster to be distributed in Efate to 411 people with disabilities; another 207 solar lights and infant kits are being distributed in Shepherd Outer Island. The Rapid Gender and Protection analysis for TC Judy and Kevin response and recovery has been completed.

Humanitarian partners, including OCHA, have developed various dashboards together with and for the Vanuatu NDMO as well as an NDMO 3W live dashboard, developed online data collection tools, performed data cleaning, produced several type of maps (assessments, location, priority) and supported the NDMO with briefing update infographics. As of 28th March, the NDMO 3W dashboard has recorded over 740 response activities by 38 NDMO partners, under the following clusters: Shelter, Education, Food Security & Agriculture, Gender & Protection, Health & Nutrition, WASH, and Displacement & Evacuation Center Management. The Clusters have distributed collectively over 24,986 NFI and Food items, including Dignity kits, Solar lights, Family Hygiene kits, Mother and Infant kits, Child Friendly kits, Recreational kits, Shelter kits, Emergency Care kits, Reproductive Health kits, Early childhood kits, Tents, Tarpaulins, foods packs and household goods. The dashboard is interactive and can quickly provide a list of all reported response activities, cluster summary and a dynamic map of response by Province.

Furthermore, OCHA has created a collection tool Kobo Form for NDMO NFI data entry team to input all incoming and outgoing NFI stock. OCHA IM continues to assist the NDMO with Briefing infographics and assisted the assessment team in plotting maps for Islands assessed under Shefa province.

Current international contingents in country supporting NDMO in surge capacity, NFI distribution, assets and infrastructure support from France, Fiji, Australia, New Zealand, and the UN.