Addis Ababa/New York, 26 August 2010: The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and the African Union Commission (AUC) yesterday finalized a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) outlining three key areas of collaboration aimed at enhancing the Commission's capacity on humanitarian assistance in Africa.

The Memorandum of Understanding will govern cooperation and collaboration between OCHA and the AUC in three areas: early warning, disaster preparedness and response; coordination; and protection of civilians in situations of conflict and natural disaster. The MoU is based on Enhancing UN-AU Cooperation: Framework for the Ten-Year Capacity- Building Programme for the African Union, the joint United Nations-African Union Declaration on building the capacity of the African Union, signed in November 2006 by the two organizations.

H. E Jean Ping, the Chairperson of the AUC, commended the role of the United Nations in providing humanitarian assistance to affected populations, particularly in Africa, and expressed his delight on the conclusion of the MoU during a signing ceremony held on 24 August at the Commission's headquarters in Addis Ababa.

At UN Headquarters in New York, Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator John Holmes welcomed reinforced OCHA collaboration with the African Union.

"This MoU establishes a firm footing for strengthening the partnership between OCHA and the African Union in efforts to bring relief and protection to millions of people in need in Africa," said Mr. Holmes, as he in turn signed the MOU.

The AUC and OCHA will elaborate a 2-year Action Plan at a high level meeting to be convened in the last quarter of 2010.

For further information, please call: OCHA-New York: Stephanie Bunker, +1 347 244 2106, mobile +1 347 244 2106,; Nicholas Reader +1 212 963 4961, mobile +1 646 752 3117,; OCHA-Geneva: Elisabeth Byrs,+41 22 917 2653, mobile, +41 79 473 4570,

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