Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator, Joyce Msuya, Opening of the PSEAH Event “Fit for Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Sexual Harassment?”, 11 May 2022



Welcome to this interactive theatre event.

I very much regret that I cannot be with you today.

I have seen the terrible scars borne by women and children who have suffered sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment. This is a global menace from which no country, institution or family is immune.

At the heart of this problem lies the abuse of power. Those of us operating in places torn apart by disaster wield immense power over the people we serve. We are often their only source of life-saving support. So, it is our responsibility, as managers, leaders and first-responders, to make sure that the international aid community uses this power properly.

A key part of this is learning how to detect, prevent and respond to sexual abuse and exploitation when we come across it in the course of our work. To do this, we need to familiarize ourselves with the codes of conduct and we need to know how to respond when we see people breaking these rules.

The space created here today is a chance to do just that. It is a chance to share your reflections and to listen to others. It is a chance to learn how to act with courage when you witness sexual abuse, exploitation or harassment.

I would like to thank Ambassador Manuel Bessler and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation for organizing such an important event.

But I also want to thank every one of you for your active participation.

If we’re going to stamp out this global menace, then we need to recognize when power is being abused and we need to know how to respond appropriately. That is why I’m so grateful that you’re here today.

Thank you for stepping up.