CERF Handbook, As of January 2024


Using the CERF Handbook

The Handbook is a reference tool to find quick answers on the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) as well as a guide to applying for and maximizing the impact of CERF funds.

The CERF Handbook was first published in 2018 and is being updated regularly.
Parts were updated throughout 2022 and 2023. In August 2023, a chapter on drought guidance was added and in October 2023, guidance for RC/HCs was integrated into the Handbook.

The CERF Handbook describes CERF as a humanitarian financing tool and the activities involved in all parts of the CERF process, from coordinated prioritization to applying for CERF funds and reporting. You will also find explanations of what is meant by using CERF strategically, and the context-specific relevance of the CERF Life-Saving Criteria in different situations.

The Handbook is particularly relevant for those involved in any part of the CERF cycle at the country level and at headquarters:

• Resident Coordinators/Humanitarian Coordinators (RC/HC), prioritizing needs and activities for consolidated CERF applications, endorsing and submitting proposals within the applications, and submitting timely consolidated CERF reports

• The Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) or UN Country Team (UNCT) and InterCluster Coordination Group (ICCG) who inform on and analyse humanitarian needs and funding gaps, and make recommendations for CERF support the RC/HC

• UN agencies as primary CERF recipients and their partners

• Cluster coordinators and sector leads

• OCHA Country Office staff and OCHA Regional Office staff providing guidance and support to in-country leadership and coordination mechanisms in the prioritization of needs and the related projects; facilitating inter-cluster needs analysis; guiding the CERF application process or coordinating and consolidating the reporting components

• UN agency CERF Focal Points at headquarters and other interested UN staff

• OCHA headquarters staff supporting country-level processes Though these are the expected primary users of the Handbook, other parties can also access the Handbook to seek answers to queries regarding CERF.