During first visit, Emergency Relief Coordinator Mark Lowcock applauds Spain’s humanitarian diplomacy


(Madrid, 15 June 2018): The UN’s humanitarian chief, Mark Lowcock, today applauded Spain for its significant role in international humanitarian diplomacy, advocacy for the protection of civilians in armed conflict, and support to emergency response during his first official visit to the country as Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator.

“Spain is clearly committed to the protection of civilians in conflict and is an active player in the multi-lateral system undertaking strong humanitarian diplomacy, not least condemning attacks against medical facilities and personnel,” said Mr. Lowcock during his one-day visit to Madrid.

Mr. Lowcock also encouraged Spain to increase its financial support to international humanitarian response for example through enhanced contributions to UN’s Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) and other country-based pooled funds.

In Madrid, Mr. Lowcock met with high-level Government officials including Minister of Labour, Migrations and Social Security Magdalena Valerio; Secretary of State Fernando Garcia Casas; Director of AECID Luis Tejada; and Director General for Multilateral, UN Affairs and Human Rights Ignacio Morro to discuss crises and concerns including in the Middle East, Latin America and the Sahel.

Mr. Lowcock also participated in debates with NGOs, academia, the private sector and the public around key humanitarian issues and met with the Parliamentarian Commission for Development Aid and Humanitarian Action to discuss global humanitarian challenges and how Spain can support collective action.