Emergency Relief Coordinator, Representative of the SG on IDPs sign Memorandum of Understanding

Emergency Relief Coordinator, Representative of the Secretary-General on Internally Displaced Persons sign agreement to improve UN efforts to help Internally Displaced Persons around the world
(New York, 18 April) - The United Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator, Kenzo Oshima, and the Representative of the Secretary-General on Internally Displaced Persons, Francis Deng, signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 17 April to improve United Nations efforts to respond to the severe crisis of internal displacement around the world.

It is estimated that some 20-25 million people have been displaced within their own countries as a result of armed conflict. Natural disasters have displaced another 25 million. Because they are not covered by the same legal regime and assistance programs that benefit refugees, these populations require the support of the international community to meet their urgent humanitarian needs.

At a small ceremony at New York Headquarters, Mr. Oshima and Mr. Deng signed an agreement that identifies specific ways Mr. Deng's office and the Geneva-based Internal Displacement Unit of Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs can cooperate in pursuit to promote greater responsiveness to the needs of internally displaced persons (IDPs).

By terms of the agreement, the two units will jointly design and develop strategies for the promotion, dissemination and application of the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement and the Handbook for Applying the Principles. They will coordinate their field visits to maximize their impact, build upon each other's findings, and ensure meaningful follow-up action. The two units will collaborate in the development of policy and research on IDP issues and in the planning of joint activities, such as seminars, to identify best practices and areas for further application of the Guiding Principles. OCHA's IDP Unit and the Representative of the Secretary General will also undertake joint advocacy activities to further raise the awareness of the international community of the plight of millions of IDPs and their urgent need for protection and assistance.