Environmental Emergency Risk Index (EERI)


What is the EERI?

The EERI builds upon existing humanitarian, development and environmental performance indices, primarily the InfoRM1. InfoRM is a way to measure the risk of humanitarian crises that identifies where crises requiring international assistance may occur and analyses that risk so it can be better managed by everyone.

The EERI looks at the InfoRM risk elements of hazards, vulnerabilities and capacities – adding key environmental emergency elements in order to get an understanding of those countries most at risk of environmental emergencies.

Why do we need EERI?

The EERI captures two elements more that any other known index in the humanitarian sector: technological hazards and environmental vulnerability. In an increasingly urbanized, populated and industrialized world, the contribution of man-made hazards and environmental factors to disaster risk, sustainable development and resilience at community level can no longer be ignored.

EERI offers an opportunity to identify countries at significant risk of technological accidents, as well as countries with significant environmental vulnerabilities that must be taken into account when designing humanitarian programmes. As such, EERI works as a strategic tool for prioritizing work on environmental emergency preparedness and environment in humanitarian action.