Global Humanitarian Policy Forum 2020: A case for transformation? The longer-term implications of the COVID-19 pandemic (9-10 December 2020)


Wednesday, 9 December 2020: 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM EST Thursday, 10 December 2020: 9:15 AM – 12:30 PM EST


On 9-10 December 2020, please join us for the ninth Global Humanitarian Policy Forum (GHPF). This year, the GHPF will be co-hosted by the United Nations Foundation, bringing longstanding expertise in connecting people across industries and sectors to develop new ideas. Since 2012, the GHPF has convened members of the humanitarian community to anticipate future trends, launch new policy ideas and explore the practical challenges and opportunities of shifting policy to practice in crisis contexts. Over the past eight years, the GHPF has been at the forefront of shaping the international humanitarian community’s policy agenda. This year’s Global Humanitarian Policy Forum examines the longer-term health, socio-economic, political, ethical, and security challenges exposed and aggravated by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and concurrent crises. Inviting diverse viewpoints and expertise from a wide range of humanitarian, development, academic, and private sector practitioners and policy makers, the GHPF seeks to actively engage participants from around the world to identify shared experiences, examples of programmatic and organizational change, and suggestions for systemic adjustments to improve the ways in which we work and collaborate. For the first time, this year’s GHPF will be held as a series of virtual events (via Zoom). Following opening remarks by the United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, and the United Nations Foundation’s Senior Vice-President to welcome participants and frame the GHPF’s discussions, viewers are invited to interact with participants in a High-Level Panel and three thematic sessions. A summary report on the GHPF’s key strategic conclusions and recommendations will be posted on the event’s website in January and shared with participants.