Global Humanitarian Policy Forum 2022: Global Crises, Local Solutions; Reducing Needs and Vulnerability Sustainably (7-8 December 2022)



On 7-8 December 2022, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) will convene the eleventh annual Global Humanitarian Policy Forum (GHPF). In the spirit of convening members from across the humanitarian community, the sessions at this year's forum will be co-hosted by key partners, including the United Nations Foundation (UNF), the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), the International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and the World Food Programme (WFP).

Under the theme, Global Crises, Local Solutions; Reducing Needs and Vulnerability Sustainably, this year’s forum will bring together leaders from diverse backgrounds and sectors to share their perspectives on the state of the world at the end of 2022, as well as the immense challenges and opportunities for humanitarian action. Humanitarian needs are at an all-time high and growing exponentially, driven by a cascade of overlapping shocks like the war in Ukraine, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and other health emergencies, violence and conflict, and climate-related disasters. While crises cause the greatest impact and devastation on those communities directly affected, the effects of many local crises reverberate globally, creating an increasingly complex humanitarian operating environment. This year’s forum will zero in on the impacts of specific trends and challenges and identify priorities and ways forward for 2023 and beyond.

Since 2012, the GHPF has convened members of the humanitarian community and experts from other fields to anticipate future trends, launch new policy ideas and explore the practical challenges and opportunities of translating policy into practice in crisis contexts. Over the past eleven years, the GHPF has been at the forefront of shaping the international humanitarian community's policy agenda.

A summary report on the GHPF’s key strategic conclusions and recommendations will be posted on the event’s website and shared with participants in early 2023.