GPP Partner Agencies: Update on Activities – April 3, 2017


All public GPP documents are available on the ‘Agenda for Humanity’ website, in the initiatives section:

Development of Documentation

The ‘Framework Document’, a consolidation of current partners’ recommendations, was submitted in February to the V20 Risk Focus Group for comment at their March 10 meeting. Several comments were received and partners provided common responses and a series of suggestions for amendments to the Framework. These are now with the V20 Risk Group co-chairs for further consideration. We hope to have the Framework endorsed at the V20 Ministerial Dialogue on April 23rd. GPP Secretariat TORs were finalised and the GPP Operations Manual has been structured and shared, with inputs provided by some workshop participants.

Donor contacts

A donor briefing is booked in early April and a further briefing planned for NYC. There is a planned donor state briefing in Washington DC in the lead up to the V20 Ministerial Dialogue, and partners plan to hold the first MPTF Steering Committee Meeting on May 22 prior to the Cancun GP on DRR. Technical discussions were held with the DFID Geneva humanitarian representative, and the DRR representative of the Japanese Mission. A joint letter to donors to request support is being developed, following up on the 2016 joint letter.

Partnerships Initiatives

– A meeting was held with REACH to discuss their possible involvement in capacity building for subnational government units in preparing for post-disaster community level assessments. Organisations

– A discussion with GAVI on their funding process has helped inform resource mobilisation efforts. A briefing for IOM was held, with IOM considering how they can best be a part of the GPP. Networks

  • A meeting was held with ALNAP linking the GPP to IASC coordination discussions and research. A constructive brainstorming and information sharing session with the Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre has revealed several possibilities for common efforts in future. A discussion was held on future links with NGOs and regional DRR and preparedness networks and initiatives with the ICVA representatives from Asia Pacific, South Africa and MENA regions.


A series of bilateral meetings were held between the Core Partners and the Partnerships Consultant, as a review of progress to date, and to generate some brainstorming. Meetings were held with the Mission Representatives of the V20 Risk Group co-chairs to discuss potential V20 briefing meetings. A Core Group Meeting was held on March 17th , decisions and Action Points are available.
Planned Meetings and Activities

  1. April 5 – Member States Briefing on GPP in Geneva and follow planned for NYC.

  2. April 23 – V20 Ministerial Dialogue. Washington DC. GPP donor briefing event linked prior to (possible date April 20th).

  3. May 22 – First MPTF Steering Committee meeting planned at Global Platform for DRR, Cancun. Inclusion of GPP at Joint new initiatives Side Event and Special Session on Preparedness. Early Warning Event Poster Session application submitted.

  4. June 2017 – World Reconstruction Event. Brussels.

GPP management arrangements Staffing – The Secretariat staff support position has been advertised widely and applications close on April 10. The advertisement can be found here. Review of applications and interviews will take place through April-May.

A suggestion has been made to have a series of “technical secondments” from V20 countries’ disaster management and preparedness experts to the GPP Secretariat. This is currently under discussion, and would require specific funding outside the MPTF. This could also be extended to include donor states’ experts as in-kind support.

Ad hoc technical meetings among all partners continue throughout as required.
Fund Management – The Multi-Partner Trust Fund (MPTF) TORs are being developed based on the GPP proposal and framework documents, and MOU discussions were held with the WB, with a view to the MPTF being ready for capitilisation in May.