GPP Partner Agencies: Update on Activities – October 31, 2017


Note: All public GPP information is available on the ‘Agenda for Humanity’ (A4H) website, in the initiatives section


Resulting from the first GPP sub-committee, a set of options papers was developed on country selection criteria, resource mobilisation, steering committee membership and the GPP scope of operations. These were all shared and adopted prior to the second GPP subcommittee, which was held on the 12th of October. An update for the IASC newsletter was developed and sent out on the 9th of October.


The GPP Secretariat held country briefings in the first week of October with Cambodia, Madagascar and Tunisia prior to the country application deadline. The GPP Secretariat also met with IFRC, and UNHCR for detailed briefings on the partnership, and with Vietnam and Denmark to discuss resource mobilisation.

The GPP core team held meetings on the 24th and 27th of October. The first meeting was to finalise the country application prioritisation process and to discuss the MPTF Steering Committee meeting agenda and members. The second was to review a ‘support package’ for the Scoping Missions including the required supporting documents. The updated documents and the revised country prioritisation table will be shared with the GPP core team prior to the first GPP Steering Committee meeting on the 9th of November.

V20 GPP Operational Subcommittee

The Second GPP Operational Subcommittee meeting was held on October 12th, in Geneva, co-chaired by the Geneva Ambassadors of Barbados and the Philippines. The meeting was particularly focused on deciding on how to proceed with resource mobilisation for the GPP and what the composition of the GPP steering committee should be. Several decisions regarding resource mobilisation were taken at the meeting based on the option paper. It was agreed that a joint letter to donors would be sent, potentially signed at ASG level in UN agencies, and by Ambassadors from the V20 subject to approval from capital. It was agreed that V20 member states would host a set of donor briefings (multi-and bilateral) possibly connecting them to other V20 events. A number of decisions were also taken regarding the Steering Committee composition. It was decided that the GFDRR will temporarily take one of the donor seats and that the V20 will decide between themselves who will sit at the five seats made available for them in the Steering committee due to the absence of donors. A more detailed meeting report is available on request or on the website. The next GPP Subcommittee will take place in mid-January 2018 to review the Scoping Mission results.

Country Applications Status

The first round of applications closed on October 8th and 25 applications out of 48 contacted were received. After a short period of review and possible consultations with countries applying, the Steering Committee will finalise which will be the first ten to fifteen countries to receive GPP support. The final decision will be made on the 9th of November at the first GPP Steering committee meeting. Successful countries will be notified afterwards and the Scoping Missions are expected to begin later this year. Diagnostic Reviews are expected to begin early in 2018.