Humanitarian Reform Newsletter - Oct-Dec 2006



The IASC WG has endorsed the "Guidance Note on using the Cluster Approach to Strengthen Humanitarian Response" as a living document. The revised version includes substantial changes following consultations with both headquarters and the ?eld. The meeting, which took place in New York (15-19 November 2006), discussed the Note in light of the outcomes of the "IASC Interim Self- Assessment of Implementation of the Cluster Approach in the Field". The Interim Self-Assessment is a progress report highlighting main trends, themes and lessons from ?eld experience. Despite constraints in time and methodology, there was a remarkable consistency of issues raised. A comprehensive evaluation of the cluster approach is expected in late 2007.

The combination of the endorsement of the "Guidance Note" and the agreement to address the outcomes of the "IASC Interim Self-Assessment" provides the momentum for real change and active learning for 2007.