Humanitarians and militaries must agree how to work in emergencies: USG Valerie Amos in Doha, Qatar [EN/AR]


(Doha/ New York, 29 November 2011) Humanitarian organizations and national militaries must agree on clear rules to guide their relationship during natural disasters and other emergencies, UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Valerie Amos told an international civil-military conference in Doha.

Speaking at the HOPEFOR Initiative meeting in Qatar on 29 November, where participants discussed the appropriate use of military and civil defence assets during humanitarian missions,

Ms. Amos recognized the essential work of armed forces in many crises, but insisted that the independence of humanitarian organizations must be maintained.

“We recognize there are many valuable things that militaries can do quickly, on a large scale, and in the most difficult of conditions during humanitarian emergencies,” said Ms. Amos. “At the same time, the presence of military organizations can often make the work of humanitarian organizations more difficult, especially in highly politicized environments. Humanitarian organizations must maintain their core values of impartiality, neutrality and operational independence at all times.”

Ms. Amos said it was essential for humanitarian organizations and militaries to reach a “common understanding of our respective roles and responsibilities, as well as our rules of engagement.” She added that humanitarian organizations should only request the use of military assets after all other options have been exhausted.

“I thank the Government of Qatar for their commitment to humanitarian work, in the region and elsewhere in the world,” stressed Ms. Amos. “Humanitarian organizations within and outside the United Nations are faced with larger and more complex crises every year. Effective partnership is essential if we are going to rise to that challenge, and create a genuinely global humanitarian order – to meet the needs of an increasing number of people coping with emergencies around the world.”

During her visit to Qatar, Ms. Amos met with Prime Minister Sheikh Hamad Bin-Jasim Bin-Jabr Al-Thani, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Khalid Bin-Muhammad al-Atiyah, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Dominican Republic, and the Assistant Secretary-General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. They discussed next steps on the HOPEFOR initiative, ways of strengthening the partnership with Qatar, and the humanitarian situation in countries including Syria, Yemen and Somalia.

Ms. Amos also met the Somalia Prime Minister, HE Mr. Abdiweli Mohamed Ali, and expressed concern regarding the expulsion of international partners. They also discussed the humanitarian situation in Somalia, and the response to date.