Inspiring the Pacific’s humanity – World Humanitarian Day 2015


Suva, Fiji, 19 August 2015

On World Humanitarian Day, Pacific Islanders are being asked to celebrate the inspiring humanitarian work being done across the region and consider how they can step-up to make a difference to the lives of others.

“On World Humanitarian Day, we call for a more humane world and seek to inspire action from people across the Pacific to bring this about,” Vincent Omuga from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Regional Office for the Pacific (UNOCHA ROP) said.

People in this region are no strangers to humanitarian needs with Pacific Island Nations making up four of the top 10 countries on the 2014 World Risk Index

“Cyclones and the effects of climate change are ever-present humanitarian threats in the Pacific and it is only fitting that this region is the first to mark World Humanitarian Day, kick starting a global program of celebrations,” Mr Omuga said.

There are hundreds of proud humanitarians currently doing heroic work to improve the lives of others across the Pacific, including those rebuilding after Tropical Cyclone Pam in March this year.

“TC Pam affected almost 200,000 people and killed 11 across the region in one of the worst disasters ever to strike the Pacific. It is pleasing to see Vanuatu now moving from response into recovery mode and it is in no small part thanks to the efforts of local, regional and international humanitarians who have been working around the clock to provide assistance to affected people,” Mr Omuga said.

To meet some of the inspiring humanitarians involved in the Tropical Cyclone Pam response over the past six months visit:

Natural disasters are occurring with greater frequency and intensity around the world, often recurring before communities and countries have time to rebuild. By 2050, it is estimated that up to one billion people around the world could also be displaced by the impact of climate change, many of them in the low-lying atolls of the Pacific.

“Humanitarian needs are fast outstripping the world’s capacity to respond and today is an opportunity for Pacific Islanders to think about what more we can all do to make a difference to the most vulnerable people in our communities,” Mr Omuga said.

Humanitarian issues have been high on the Pacific agenda in recent months as momentum builds towards the World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul in May 2016. The Pacific has just wrapped up its consultations in preparation for Istanbul where there was a clear message that affected communities need to be at the centre of humanitarian action.

“Next year’s Summit will be a global rallying cry for humanity where world leaders from government, business and communities will commit to international action to save more lives and search for solutions to the enormous humanitarian challenges of today and the next generation,” Mr Omuga said.

This year’s digital World Humanitarian Day campaign aims to create a mass global display of public support for humanitarian action. Using the hashtag #ShareHumanity, celebrities, influential individuals and the public are donating their social media feeds for 24 hours in order to reach out globally with the real human stories that are behind today's headlines.

For more information about World Humanitarian Day, the #ShareHumanity campaign or to share an inspiring story of humanitarianism in action across your social media platforms, please visit

About World Humanitarian Day

August 19 marks the anniversary of the 2003 United Nations Headquarters bombing in Baghdad that claimed the lives of 22 people. In an effort to raise awareness of humanitarian assistance worldwide – and the people who risk their lives to provide it – the United Nations General Assembly in 2008 designated August 19 as World Humanitarian Day.

Media Contact:

To arrange interviews or more information please contact:
Ms Danielle Parry
UNOCHA Public Information Officer
Ph: +679 7771433 or +679 7446673
Skype: danielle.renee.parry