Launch of the Central Emergency Response Fund

WHAT: The United Nations will launch the Central Emergency Response Fund at 10 a.m. on 9 March 2006. The launch will be chaired by Jan Egeland, United Nations Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator. The Fund was approved by the General Assembly in December of 2005 and is a milestone in the UN reform process.
The CERF will save lives by providing quick initial funding for life-saving assistance and rapid response in sudden onset emergencies, rapid deteriorations, and neglected emergencies. The Fund adds a grant facility of up to $450 million to the existing Central Emergency Revolving Fund loan mechanism of USD $50 million. Up to two thirds of the grant facility can be allocated to rapid response with the other one-third devoted to addressing under-funded emergencies.

So far, 23 member states have pledged a total of USD 196 million to the CERF.

The launch will provide an opportunity for Member States to announce support and financial pledges for the new emergency fund.

The media are welcome at the launch. UNTV will also broadcast the event, which will be webcast as well.


Kofi Annan, United Nation Secretary-General

R.H. Mr. Keith Mitchell, Prime Minister of Grenada

Jan Eliasson, President of the United Nations General Assembly President

H.E. Mr. Anand Sharma, Minister for External Affairs of India

H.E. Jean-Louis Schiltz, Luxembourg's Minister for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs

R.H. Mr. Hilary Benn, Secretary of State for International Development, United Kingdom

Mr. Jan Egeland

WHEN: 10 a.m.-12 noon, 9 March 2006

WHERE: ECOSOC, 2nd floor UN Secretariat

A press conference and a reception (by invitation only) will follow the event.

Press briefing: R.H. Mr. Keith Mitchell, Prime Minister of Grenada and Jan Egeland, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs: 12:15-12:45, S-226

Reception: 12:15-1:15, Delegates Dining Room, room 6. The reception is jointly hosted by Sweden, Luxembourg, Mexico and South Africa. The reception will offer the opportunity for the press to ask questions in a more intimate setting. Ms. Anikka Soder, State Secretary for International Development of Sweden, Jean-Louis Schiltz, Luxembourg's Minister for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs, and other high level officials from the launch will be in attendance.

For more information about the reception, please contact Jean Olinger (email:, Mission of Luxembourg.



Stephanie Bunker 917 367 5126; 917 892 1679;
Susan Losi 917 367-5267