The League of Arab States and the United Nations Renew Commitment to Work Together on Humanitarian Action [EN/AR]


(New York, 2 June 2015) – The General Secretariat of the League of Arab States (LAS) and the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) renewed their commitment today to work together through the signing of the 2015-2017 Plan of Action. This new Plan of Action follows the one signed in May 2013.

The Plan of Action was signed by H. E. Ambassador Dr. Badre Eddine Allali, LAS Assistant Secretary-General and Head of the Social Affairs Sector, and OCHA’s Assistant Secretary-General and Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator, Ms. Kyung-wha Kang.

Following the signing ceremony, Ms. Kyung-wha Kang expressed her appreciation for the continued partnership that has led to the successful implementation of a broad range of activities together over the years. “The Plan of Action and our renewed commitment represent an important achievement in OCHA’s relationship with the League of Arab States and is a testament to the strong and deepening ties between our institutions”.

With humanitarian emergencies in the Arab region growing at an unprecedented rate and humanitarian needs far outpacing the level of available resources with which to respond, stronger collaboration and coordination between organizations that play such an important role in humanitarian affairs is essential. “The level of humanitarian needs in the region is unprecedented and are simply too big for one government, one agency or one aid organization to address alone" said Ambassador Badre Eddine Allali. "It is in this spirit that we are renewing our partnership with the UN, since together we are able to more effectively prepare for and respond to the needs of affected people".

The 2015-2017 Plan of Action builds on the Memorandum of Understanding signed in 2010 and sets out a framework for regular dialogue and exchange of information between the two organizations. The joint plan also provides for closer coordination on emergency preparedness and response, exchange of expertise, capacity building and collaboration on resource mobilization and advocacy.

The Plan of Action represents several years of increasingly close collaboration between the UN and LAS on humanitarian issues at a time of growing humanitarian needs in the Arab region and around the world.

For further information, please contact:

Iyad H. Nasr, OCHA ROMENA External & Media Relations Officer, Regional Spokesperson. Mobile: +201095558662

Dr. Dina Nabhan, Expert at LAS Health and Humanitarian Aid Department. Mobile +20102372002

Mr Abdel Moneim El Hakim, Humanitarian Affairs Officer at LAS. Mobile +201002553148