Media Advisory: Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator, Ms. Ursula Mueller, mission to Singapore - 18 August 2017

WHO: Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator Ms. Ursula Mueller
WHAT: ASEAN Strategic Policy Dialogue on Disaster Management and World Humanitarian Day
WHEN: 18 August 2017
WHERE: Singapore

The Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs/Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator (ASG/Deputy ERC) Ms. Ursula Mueller is traveling to Singapore to take part in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Strategic Policy Dialogue on Disaster Management.

During the event, Ms. Mueller will discuss collaboration between ASEAN and the United Nations in disaster management, as well as future policy and operational engagement. The event is also Singapore’s contribution to World Humanitarian Day [], which will be highlighted during the day.

For further information, please contact:
In Bangkok: Helen Mould, OCHA Regional Office in Asia and the Pacific (ROAP) , +66 832 709 122,
In New York: Russell Geekie, Spokesperson, +1 917 331 0393,