Media Advisory: UN Humanitarian chief and deputy in Geneva for ECOSOC Humanitarian Affairs Segment


WHO: Mark Lowcock, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator

Ursula Mueller, Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator

WHAT: Economic and Social Council Humanitarian Affairs Segment

WHEN: 24-26 June 2019

WHERE: Geneva, Switzerland

Mark Lowcock and Ursula Mueller, the UN’s humanitarian chief and his deputy, are scheduled to participate in key sessions during the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Humanitarian Affairs Segment (HAS) which this year will take place in the United Nations Office at Geneva.

Humanitarian crises are today affecting more people and lasting longer on average than ever before. At ECOSOC HAS, a wide variety of stakeholders come together to better understand the complex nature of humanitarian needs and the operational challenges facing the delivery of humanitarian assistance and protection.

The ECOSOC HAS 2019 includes a General Debate and discussions on the annual ECOSOC humanitarian resolution, two High-Level Interactive Panels, and some 15 side-events.

Mr. Lowcock will speak at the official opening of the HAS on 25 June, but already from the 24 June participate in discussions about international humanitarian law, the transition from relief to development, and ending sexual and gender-based violence in humanitarian crises.

Ms. Mueller will speak and participate in events on humanitarian funding trends and gaps, gender equality, the ongoing needs following cyclone Idai, and take part in high-level ECOSOC panels on preparedness and response to weather-related disasters, and engaging communities for an inclusive and effective humanitarian response.

For the draft #ECOSOC programme and key resources, see

For further information, please contact:
In Geneva: Jens Laerke, +41 79 472 9750,
In New York: Hayat Abu Saleh, +1 917 224 9751,