OCHA Annual Report 2012


The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is the part of the United Nations responsible for bringing together humanitarian organizations and Governments to ensure a rapid and coherent response to disasters and emergencies around the world.

In 2012, OCHA coordinated US$8.78 billion of humanitarian programming, assisting 54 million people affected by the world’s worst crises. Our share of that work cost $246.5 million.

We have more than 2,000 staff working in over 50 country, regional and headquarters locations. Our staff come from almost 100 countries, bringing local knowledge and commitment to humanitarian response efforts. They help national and international partners work better together during emergencies so that aid reaches the people who need it most. Their work helps to save lives by ensuring that the most vulnerable and needy are helped by reducing duplication and focusing efforts. In any crisis, making sure that everyone has a shared understanding of the problem and what needs to be done is crucial.

This report explains how OCHA spent its money, and the impact of its work in the three main pillars of OCHA’s Strategic Framework for 2010-2013.

Chapter one is about building a more effective humanitarian coordination system. It details OCHA’s efforts to strengthen humanitarian action in the field—the frontline of our operations.

Chapter two focuses on creating a more enabling environment for humanitarian action. It describes OCHA’s efforts to build a more inclusive humanitarian community with broader and deeper national, regional and international partnerships.

Chapter three details OCHA’s efforts to become a more robustly managed and accountable organization, able to adapt to shifting operational demands.

The report concludes with details of OCHA’s budget and staffing.

For more information about field-level and headquarters performance (including individual country and regional office reporting), and funding and financial analysis, please visit:
