OCHA on Message: Protection


What is Protection?

When conflict erupts or disaster strikes, affected people often need protection from violence, exploitation , abuse and the elements, and protection of their dignity and human rights. Protection is enshrined in the principle of humanity and an objective of humanitarian action; it is a n issue that must inform all aspects of humanitarian response. For humanitarian actors such as OCHA, protection is about advocating for and supporting full respect for the rights of the individual in accordance with international human rights, humanitarian and refugee law .

States have the primary responsibility to protect people under their control. In situations of armed conflict, all parties to the conflict, whether States or organized armed groups , must respect and protect civilians, including by taking all feasible precautions to spare them from the effects of hostilities. Humanitarian organizations may offer to provide assistance and protection to those affected. This may include activities such as promoting the population’s rights and encouraging primary duty -bearers to meet their obligations , or directly assisting the affected population, including through specialized services such as legal aid, family tracing and reunification, supporting the demobilization of child soldiers and facilitating refugee registration. Some humanitarian actors, such as the International Committee of the Red Cross