Statement by Mr. Jan Egeland Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator on the Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict


In Mr. Jan Egeland's final statement to the UN Security Council, the Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator highlights the Council's concern for the protection of civilians and the prominence that protection issues have gained in Security Council deliberations over the past three years. He posits that the safety, security and well being of civilians must be at the heart of the United Nations' approach to international and security crisis management. He addresses ongoing concerns related to access of those most in need of protection and assistance, the problems related to the rise of internal displacement, sexual violence, and the exploitation of children in armed conflict.

In conclusion, he urges the Security Council to use the tools at its disposal to strengthen the protection of civilians citing five issues as future priorities:

1. For the Council to remain committed to regular thematic briefings and debriefings following the missions of his successors to the field.
2. For the Council to make more effective use of the mechanisms at its disposal to prevent violations of international human rights and international humanitarian law.
3. That conflict mediation and the timely and effective use of good offices is a critical tool at the Council's disposal which must be engaged at the earliest of opportunities.
4. The need for comprehensive, predictable funding.
5. To ensure that sufficient guidance and support is provided to peacekeeping operations.