To Stay and Deliver: Good practice for humanitarians in complex security environments [EN/AR]


Dear Partners,

In 2011, the Organization for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) published the landmark study "To Stay and Deliver: Good practice for humanitarians in complex security environments". The study identified and documented humanitarian organizations’ strategies and practices to maintain effective operations in insecure environments. It provided guidance on critical areas such as risk management, responsible partnerships, adherence to humanitarian principles, acceptance approaches and communication and negotiations with relevant actors.

Nearly five years on, OCHA, the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) and the Jindal School of International Affairs in India have decided to launch a follow-up study, to be conducted again by Humanitarian Outcomes. This review aims to assess the extent of implementation of the 2011 study's recommendations, to examine changes that have occurred since its publication, and to evaluate how improvements in "staying" over the past years have led to improvements in our ability to “deliver” in volatile environments.

To support the research, OCHA has launched an online survey aimed at members of Humanitarian Country Teams, personnel from UN agencies, international organizations, and international, national and local non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

We would like to invite humanitarian partners working in the Middle East and North Africa to contribute to the study by completing the survey. In particular, we encourage NGO representatives and national humanitarian workers to participate. The survey is available in English, French and Arabic, and all responses are anonymous.

· English Survey:
· French Survey:
· Arabic Survey:

For more information see the "To Stay and Deliver: Follow-up Study" project page:

Please do disseminate the links to the survey widely among your networks. Thank you in advance for your support to this important follow-up study.

For further information, please call:

Iyad Nasr, Head of Media and External Relations and Regional Spokesperson, OCHA Regional Office for Middle East & North Africa, Cell: +20109555 8662,