Two workshops were held for the youth of the Arab League Summer Programme on International Humanitarian Affairs in cooperation with OCHA [EN/AR]


Cairo, 18 October 2021 - Within the framework of cooperation between the League of Arab States and the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the Middle East and North Africa, two training workshops were held within the framework of the League of Arab States 2021 Summer Training Programme.

85 young Summer Training Programme trainees from different Arab States participated in two workshops held at the headquarters of the League of Arab States in Cairo, between 18-19 August 2021 and 28-29 September 2021, presented by OCHA representatives.

Through a participatory approach, the workshops addressed several topics related to humanitarian action, including: humanitarian action history, international legal framework, humanitarian coordination, protection and assistance in humanitarian response, including health, water and sanitation, nutrition, shelter, basic humanitarian standards, as well as communication and information management in humanitarian action.

At the closing of the workshops, young Arab trainees received their certificates from Mr. Mohamed Zaid Khater, Director of the Regional Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, and His Excellency Minister Plenipotentiary; Saeed Al-Hady, Director of the Health and Humanitarian Assistance Department in the League of Arab States in Cairo.

"It is important that young people in the Arab region recognize the various aspects of humanitarian action, particularly in the context of the crises that many countries in the region and the world are experiencing because of conflicts, climate change, food security risks, desertification, epidemics, and others. We are very pleased with this cooperation between the Office for Humanitarian Affairs and the League of Arab States. These programmes provide an important opportunity for young people - the leaders of the future - to become more involved in humanitarian work, as well as to combine academic learning with living reality." Mohamed Khater, Regional Director of the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.
Minister Plenipotentiary Saeed Al-Hadi also stated: "The General Secretariat of the League of Arab States looks forward to strengthening this existing cooperation with the United Nations Regional Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Cairo, through the implementation of programs and activities concerned with humanitarian affairs during the coming period. Coordination to implement joint programs and activities as part of the memorandum of understanding and the action plan signed between the two sides will continue, and these two workshops within the framework of the Summer Training Program are a result of the fruits of this existing cooperation between the two entities.

The Summer Training Programme of the League of Arab States aims at developing skills and upgrading the capacities of participating students through a training programme commensurate with the educational and age levels and linking academic knowledge to reality. The programme seeks to achieve a correlation between the output of education and the labour market, especially since it includes the Arab League history, role and activities, in addition to induction sessions on regional issues and joint Arab work.

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For more information, contact:

  • Ghalia Seifo

Head of Communication Unit in the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs for the Middle East and North Africa.
E-mail: | Mobile: +1(437)855-9000

  • Naiera Ellethy

Public Information Officer in the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs for the Middle East and North Africa in Cairo.
E-mail: | Mobile: +02 01022475440