UN and partners launch humanitarian response plans to reach 52 million people in need in 2014 [EN/AR]


(Geneva, 16 December 2013): Humanitarian organizations will aim to reach 52 million people in the world with aid in 2014 and their combined response plans will require US$12.9 billion in funding.

Complex crises in Syria and neighbouring countries, Philippines and Yemen have displaced or affected 35 million men, women and children who need emergency relief, protection and basic services to sustain them on a daily basis. The protracted crisis in the Central African Republic has deteriorated into a major humanitarian emergency with more than half a million people displaced and half the entire population in urgent need of aid.

“I have seen people in desperate circumstances in the Central African Republic and Yemen, the typhoon-devastated parts of the Philippines and in many other countries I have visited this year. It is hard to put into words their despair, but also the dignity with which they endure the most painful and difficult circumstances,” said Emergency Relief Coordinator and Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, Valerie Amos, when she launched the humanitarian response plans in Geneva today. “We count on the continued support from our partners as we work to save lives and support the millions of people caught in crisis.”

Humanitarian response plans for 17 countries were launched, including the combined plan for Syria and neighbouring countries, but the total humanitarian requirements for 2014 are not yet complete. The plans for the Sahel will be launched early next year.

“What is clear already is that 2014 will be a very challenging year for all of us. Globally, forced displacement levels are approaching record highs. It is critically important that humanitarian organizations are properly in a position to respond,” said UN High Commissioner for Refugees, António Guterres.

Funding for consolidated and flash appeals reached an unprecedented $8 billion this year, exceeding the previous high of $7.2 billion in 2010. Despite the generosity of donors and incividuals, funding of the coordinated plans and appeals is only at 60 per cent of requirements.

"When looking to 2014, we remain very concerned that the 2013 appeals are still vastly underfunded and this slows down the recovery for millions of civilians. Key sectors such as civilian protection, human rights, economic recovery, infrastructural reconstruction and education are receiving less than 2.5 per cent of the overall funding. Yet, better investments in these sectors now will help ensure that our responses are holistic and help millions of people rebuild their lives in the longer term," said Jasmine Whitbread, Save the Children International's Chief Executive, and also representing the NGO consortia.

A total of 568 aid organizations are participating with projects in Afghanistan, Central African Republic, D.R. Congo, Haiti, Myanmar, occupied Palestinian territory, Philippines, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, the combined plan for Syria and neighbouring countries, and Yemen.

Jens Laerke
Spokesperson and Public Information Officer OCHA Geneva
Phone: +41 22 917 11 42
Mobile: +41 (0)79 472 9750
Email: laerke@un.org
Twitter: @JensLaerke