UN Calls for Global Action to Protect Civilians in Conflict


Suva, Fiji 18 August 2017

Every year on 19 August, World Humanitarian Day brings the world together to rally support for people affected by humanitarian crisis and pay tribute to humanitarian workers who help them. World Humanitarian Day is a day dedicated to recognize humanitarian personnel and those who have lost their lives working for humanitarian causes. It was designated by the United Nations General Assembly as part of a Swedishsponsored GA Resolution A/63/L.49.

Globally, conflict is exacting a massive toll on people’s lives. Families are forced to flee their towns, rather than build their homes, livelihoods and communities. Aid workers who care for people affected by violence are increasingly being targeted. Medicine and relief supplies are looted, hospitals and ambulances are bombed and humanitarian aid workers are detained or denied access to people in desperate need.

On World Humanitarian Day 2017, the United Nations call for global solidarity to reaffirm that civilians caught in conflict are #NotATarget, and to demand global action to protect civilians. The 2017 campaign will utilize the content and finding of the 2017 Secretary General’s report on the Protection of Civilians launched in May 2017. “In the Pacific, hundreds of dedicated and passionate humanitarian workers continue to undertake humanitarian activities across the region in saving and rebuilding lives, including those rebuilding after natural disasters and this day is also dedicated to them”, Sune Gudnitz, UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Head of Office Pacific.

OCHA Pacific continues to highlight humanitarian issues on its agenda while reinforcing the notion that affected communities need to be at the center of humanitarian action, an outcome of the 2016 World Humanitarian Summit. This year’s global theme for World Humanitarian Day, civilians must be protected, emphases this message. In the context of the Pacific, the protection of vulnerable communities affected by the impact of natural disasters should be prioritized.

About UNOCHA Office for the Pacific The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in the Pacific has been present in the region for seventeen years since its establishment in 1999. The office has continued to advocate for and mobilize resources necessary for effective and principled humanitarian action through continuous engagement with national and international partners in the Pacific.

In an effort to strengthen preparedness in the region, OCHA through the Pacific Humanitarian Team (PHT) is rolling out the Country Preparedness Package (CPP) to develop country specific approaches to preparedness and response. This approach would facilitate dialogue and obtain agreement on how national and international actors work together in a disaster response and increased understanding and respect for existing national systems and structures amongst international actors while at the same time help national actors and partners become more familiar with international humanitarian support options and mechanisms.

OCHA also recognize that national governments, local actors including NGOs are first responders and necessary support should be provided to enhance and strengthen their capacity and capability to prepare for and respond to emergencies.

The Office for the Pacific serves 14 Pacific Islands countries and territories which includes, Federated States of Micronesia, Marshall Islands, Palau, Nauru, Tuvalu, Solomon Islands, Samoa, Vanuatu, Fiji, Tonga, Cook Islands, Tokelau, New Caledonia and Niue.

For further information, please contact:
Mr. Sevuloni R. Ratu | Regional Public Information Officer | UNOCHA Regional Office for the Pacific
Tel: +679 3316760 | Mob: +679 9990021 | Email: ratu@un.org
Press releases are available at www.unocha.org/rop or www.reliefweb.int.

For more information about World Humanitarian Day, the #NotATarget campaign or to promote the online campaign on your social media platforms, please visit: http://www.un.org/en/events/humanitarianday/