UN humanitarian chief welcome Kuwait's growing support to multilateral humanitarian efforts

(Kuwait/Dubai/New York/Geneva, 9 April 2008): John Holmes, the UN humanitarian chief, today welcomed Kuwait's pledge to increase support to multilateral humanitarian efforts to tackle major crises arising from conflicts and natural disasters that are threatening millions of people around the world.

Mr. Holmes, United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, met today with the Kuwaiti Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sheikh Dr. Mohammad Sabah al-Salem al-Sabah, as a continuation of his mission in the Gulf region to raise awareness of the most pressing current humanitarian issues and to encourage greater partnership and participation of the Gulf states in international humanitarian efforts.

Mr. Holmes, accompanied by Mr. Abdul Aziz Arrukban, the United Nations Special Humanitarian Envoy of the Secretary-General based in the Gulf region, took the opportunity to explain how the international system has reformed itself in recent years to ensure a systematic, organised and prioritised approach to delivering emergency relief. He also highlighted the major humanitarian challenges of today, particularly increasing climate change related natural disasters and the need to take concrete short and long-term action to address the growing problems posed by higher food prices. Humanitarian needs are also far from decreasing in long-running crises such as Darfur, Somalia, Iraq and the occupied Palestinian territory, where the UN is heavily engaged. 'These are exactly the sorts of reasons why the international community must be united and coordinated in tackling these problems through the multilateral system,' said Mr. Holmes

The Minister shared the concerns of Mr. Holmes, and made clear that Kuwait would continue to be a strong supporter of humanitarian action, both bilaterally and through the UN, citing the recent significant increase in their annual contribution to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees as well as its recent pledge to the International Committee of the Red Cross.

'I understand that Kuwait has made a commitment to boost its support for humanitarian action by the United Nations, by pledging to direct 10 per cent of its annual humanitarian budget through multilateral channels. This is an encouraging start which, combined with their continued generosity on the bilateral front, can help make Kuwait an example in the region,' said Mr. Holmes.

The Minister highlighted concerns about the situation in Iraq, in the run up to the Neighbouring Countries meeting to be held in Kuwait on 22 April. Mr. Holmes assured the Minister that increasing humanitarian help for the Iraqi people was a priority for the UN, following the February launch of the consolidated appeal for $265 million.

Earlier in the day, Mr. Holmes met with the Vice-President of the Kuwaiti Red Crescent Society (KRCS), Dr. Helal Al Sayer, and discussed ways of improving coordination between the KRCS and the UN system in emergency response settings.

After Kuwait, Mr. Holmes travelled to Qatar, the final leg of his six-day mission to the region to meet with government officials and senior representatives of the Gulf Cooperation Council and Red Crescent Societies to strengthen partnerships between Gulf States and the United Nations in addressing humanitarian issues worldwide. In addition to Kuwait and Qatar, Mr. Holmes visited the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

For further information, please call:

Mr. Nejib Friji, UNIC Manama, mobile +973 397 721 97;

Ms. Nadia Evans, OCHA-Dubai, +971 (0)4 368 1022, mobile +971 (0) 50 227 9808;

Ms. Christina Bennett, OCHA-New York, +1 917 367 8059, mobile +1 917 435 8617;

Ms. Elisabeth Byrs, OCHA-Geneva, +41 22 917 2653, mobile, +41 79 473 4570.

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