The Humanitarian Coordinator for Yemen Jamie McGoldrick calls for an immediate humanitarian pause in Taizz governorate [EN/AR]


Ibb, 26 July 2016: I am extremely concerned by reports of rising tensions in Taizz Governorate and in particular the reinforcement of the closure on Taizz city as well as the escalation of hostilities in the area of Al-Sarari.

I remind all parties to the conflict of their obligation under International Humanitarian Law to allow sustained and unconditional humanitarian access to all people in need of assistance. It is unacceptable to hold civilian populations hostage and deprived of humanitarian assistance in pursuit of political and military gains. All parties who violate International Humanitarian Law must remember that they could be held to account.

I call on all parties to agree immediately to a humanitarian pause in order to protect civilians and work with the UN and humanitarian partners to facilitate the treatment and evacuation of the war wounded and the delivery of urgently needed medicine and other life saving assistance.

For further information, please contact:
George Khoury, Head of OCHA Yemen, or Erich Ogoso, Public Information Officer, OCHA Yemen,, +967 712222848
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