Humanitarian Organizations, Government of Yemen and League of Arab States agree to strengthen cooperation to address the humanitarian crisis in Yemen [EN/AR]


Cairo, 18 March 2014 - The League of Arab States, the Government of Yemen and representatives of the Humanitarian Country Team in Yemen met yesterday in Cairo for a regional presentation of the Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan and to discuss future cooperation on humanitarian action.

More attention and resources are needed to address the humanitarian situation, which globally, is one of the largest humanitarian crises. Promoting food security, access to education and health care and improving livelihoods are critical priorities. This requires closer cooperation by the international community together with the national government and civil society organizations in Yemen.

In addition to meeting immediate humanitarian needs, sustained efforts are required to address the underlying causes of vulnerability, including underdevelopment and poverty. “Such efforts need to be aligned with the Government’s development plans and should include an emphasis on building resilience in communities, early recovery, national capacity building and durable solutions for the displaced people”, said Director of the Health and Humanitarian Aid Department of the League of Arab State, Ms. Leila Negm.

Ahead of the upcoming Friends of Yemen meeting, participants highlighted how the humanitarian crisis has the potential to undermine the political transition process. In the words of the Humanitarian Coordinator for Yemen, Mr. Johannes van der Klaauw, “Yemen’s political process cannot be seen in isolation from the humanitarian crisis and deep-rooted under-development. Stability is not possible if we don't address urgently the vulnerabilities of the more than half the population that currently requires humanitarian assistance”. Thus, it is imperative that the pledges made by the Friends of Yemen for humanitarian and development assistance be allocated immediately.

Broader coordination and information sharing among partners on the ground is necessary for ensuring an efficient and coherent response to the most urgent needs of the Yemeni people. Participants emphasized the need for greater dialogue to improve and strengthen partnerships between international, regional and local actors. The Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan has made achievements in this regard, bringing together over 100 partners; however, more needs to be done.

The League of Arab States and its members, in partnership with the Humanitarian Country Team, will work together in support of the Government and the people of Yemen to advocate for adequate resources for humanitarian and development action. Advocacy efforts will also focus on other critical issues, such as improving humanitarian access to people in need and enhancing the protection of civilians.

Further ways of strengthening collaboration between the League of Arab States and humanitarian organizations in Yemen will be explored in the coming months. These efforts will build on the experience of the League of Arab States in technical assistance, donor coordination and partnerships with civil society, as well as the broad range of competencies and experience within the Yemen Humanitarian Country Team.

For further information, please contact:
Ogoso Erich, Public Information Officer, OCHA Yemen,, Tel. +967 712 222 831
Abdel Moneim Al Hakim, Yemen Focal Point, LAS,, Tel: +201002553148
Najat Mraby, Media Relations Officer, League of Arab States,, Tel. +201001210663