Humanitarians in Yemen reaffirm that the only solution to the worst humanitarian crisis in the world is to end the conflict [EN/AR]


Sana’a, 19 August 2019: Humanitarians across Yemen are renewing their call to end the conflict in Yemen on World Humanitarian Day.

“Every humanitarian working in Yemen knows that the only solution to this senseless, terrible tragedy is to end the conflict,” said Ms. Lise Grande, Humanitarian Coordinator in Yemen. “This is why we are using World Humanitarian Day to ask everyone to lay down their weapons, work towards peace and give humanitarians immediate, unimpeded and safe access to the people who need our assistance.”

“19 August is the day the world pays tribute to humanitarian workers,” said Ms. Grande.

“Across Yemen, humanitarian workers are doing everything we can to help people survive a war that has gone on too long, claimed too many lives and damaged too many homes, schools, hospitals, farms and businesses across the country.”

“Even though we work in one of the most difficult environments in the world, humanitarians are reaching millions of people who would not survive without us,” said Ms. Grande. “Every month nearly 12.5 million people receive life-saving aid.”

Yemen is the world’s largest humanitarian crisis. Nearly 80 per cent of the total population, 24.1 million people, requires some form of humanitarian assistance and protection.

The 2019 Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan (YHRP) requires US$4.2 billion to assist more than 20 million Yemenis, including 10 million people, who rely entirely on humanitarian assistance to meet their basic needs each month. As of today, the operation is only 34 per cent funded. Humanitarian agencies are appealing to donors who promised to fund the operation to provide support as quickly as possible.