Key messages on the humanitarian situation in Yemen and the Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan in 2013 [EN/AR]


  • The signing of the Government’s Transitional Programme for Stabilisation and Development 2012 – 2014 and the initiation of the National Dialogue opens a window of opportunity for the humanitarian community to contribute to a sustainable change of the dire humanitarian situation of the Yemeni population. Over the past months humanitarian access has been improving in most parts of the country and internally displaced people have been returning in large numbers to Abyan.

  • Despite the increase of stability, the outlook for the humanitarian situation in 2013 and beyond remains precarious. Extreme poverty, volatile food and commodity prices and an increase of the cost of living will further reduce access to food, basic services and livelihoods for millions of Yemenis. This situation will be further compounded by localized conflict and limited capacity of basic social services.

  • Half of the 24 million Yemenis do not have access to clean water and sanitation, 10 million do not have sufficient food, and more than 6 million lack access to health care, including life-saving reproductive health services for women and girls, as maternal mortality remains high. More than 400,000 people remain internally displaced, and 269,000 have sought refuge in Yemen from the Horn of Africa.

  • Out of the 1 million children suffering from acute malnutrition more than 150,000 may die if they do not receive immediate assistance. If the international community does not respond in line with the 2013 Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan together with the Yemeni authorities, this figure can increase nine fold.

  • Protection of civilians is one of the strategic priorities of the 2013 Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan. It includes preventive and response activities to address multiple violations of human rights and humanitarian law. In 2012, 174 children have been killed and/or maimed, including 49 victims of mines, far surpassing the numbers of 2011. Women and girls affected by crisis are exposed to additional vulnerabilities, including sexual and gender-based violence,

  • Given the political window of opportunity, the return of IDPs in large numbers to Abyan, and an increase of humanitarian access and presence of UN and NGO staff, there is an opportunity to increase resilience of populations through early recovery and capacity building, in particular in conflict-affected areas.

  • The 2013 Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan targets one third of the Yemeni population through a range of emergency activities. The funding requirements amount to US$ 716 million, a 22% increase from the 2012 Response Plan.

  • There can be no sustainable transition in Yemen without the full support for the humanitarian response through the 2013 Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan. The full support of the Humanitarian Response Plan will contribute to a large extend to make this process irreversible.