Revised Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan Appeals for US$702 million to help 7.7 million Yemenis in need [EN/AR]


Sana’a, 15 July 2013: The Humanitarian Country Team in Yemen, representing United Nations agencies and international and local NGOs, has launched a revised Humanitarian Response Plan that requests $702 million in funding for 2013 to provide food, clean water, healthcare and other vital services to 7.7 million of the most vulnerable Yemenis.

The humanitarian challenges in Yemen are enormous, with more than 13 million people – over half the population – in need of humanitarian assistance. Over the past two years, unrest and instability have led to a near-collapse of most basic services and an even sharper increase in poverty, causing alarming rates of food insecurity and malnutrition and outbreaks of fatal diseases including measles. Maternal mortality remains high at 365 per 100,000 live births.

“Conflict and instability elsewhere in the region and the ongoing political transition in Yemen have overshadowed the humanitarian crisis,” said the United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Yemen, Mr. Ould Cheikh Ahmed. He cautioned that there can be no long-term stability without addressing the humanitarian needs of the Yemeni people.

Within the revised plan, humanitarian partners have also identified the most critical activities that will help people in greatest and most urgent need.

“I urge international and regional donors to provide funding for these critical activities that will have immediate impact, saving the lives and livelihoods of the most vulnerable Yemenis”, Mr. Ould Cheikh Ahmed said.

Conflict has forced hundreds of thousands of Yemenis to flee their homes. In the north, there is little prospect for the return of some 300,000 internally displaced people who urgently need basic services including food and protection. The new Yemeni National IDP Policy sets out solutions for long-term displacement; humanitarian agencies are supporting its implementation.

In the south, more than 90 per cent of those who fled the violence last year have returned home. They urgently need help to restore damaged infrastructure and basic services, to clear mines and other explosive remnants of war, and to re-establish law and order.

Half way through the year, the Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan is only 38 per cent funded. Funding shortfalls have already led to a reduction in the provision of life-saving assistance. The almost complete lack of support for early recovery, livelihoods and capacity-building activities is limiting the ability of humanitarian partners to build the resilience of Yemeni communities.

For further information, please contact:
UNOCHA Yemen, Mr. Trond Jensen, / (+967) 712 222 207
UNOCHA Yemen, Mr. Erich Ogoso, / (+967) 712 222 831