Statement by the Humanitarian Coordinator on the death of detained humanitarian worker [EN/AR]


Sana’a, 28 October 2023 – This statement is attributable to the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Yemen, David Gressly.

I am deeply dismayed to learn of the death of a staff member of Save the Children while in detention by Sana’a authorities. Hisham Al-Hakimi, who worked with Save the Children since 2006, was detained on 9 September.

On behalf of the entire humanitarian community in Yemen, I wish to extend my sincere condolences to the family of Mr. Al-Hakimi and to the staff of Save the Children.

The United Nations and partners are very concerned by the limited information available regarding Mr.
Al-Hakimi’s death. I call on the Sana’a authorities to provide complete and timely information regarding the circumstances that led to his death.

Three UN staff remain detained —two since November 2021 and one since August 2023. The UN and their families have been unable to visit. I call on the Sana’a authorities to provide full information on their circumstances as well as visitation access.