Statement by the Humanitarian Coordinator for Yemen Ad Interim, Stephen Anderson, on the Situation in Aden [EN/AR]


Sana’a, 30 January 2018: I am very concerned at the outbreak of violence in Aden, which, since 28 January, continues to negatively impact the safety and the protection of the civilian population and the continuity of life-saving humanitarian operations across southern governorates.

Violence and shelling within the city of Aden has so far resulted in 36 people being killed and 185 injured.

Humanitarian movements within the city have been suspended and aid workers remain in lockdown in their residences, unable to continue critical life-saving activities. A request for surgical kits for two public hospitals in Taizz and other humanitarian supplies could not be attended because active fighting prevented the movement of health workers.

On behalf of the humanitarian community in Yemen, I call on all parties to immediately end the fighting, protect civilians and ensure safe, unimpeded and rapid access for humanitarian personnel and supplies.