The United Nations calls for the protection of civilians after renewed violence claimed the lives of at least sixteen civilians


Sana’a, New York, 13 November 2011, The United Nations calls for the protection of civilians after renewed violence claimed the lives of at least sixteen civilians – including three children and three women – with a further 48 injured on Friday in Yemen’s southern city of Taiz.

Taiz has been the site of intense clashes since February between government forces, and protesters and tribal groups. Fighting broke out again on Friday 11 November 2011, marking the latest round of violence that has claimed the lives of at least seven children over the past month. At least a further four injuries and one death resulted from continued fighting in Taiz on Saturday.

At least four schools have been affected by the recent violence in Taiz, having been attacked or occupied by armed groups on both sides of the conflict. One school was burnt down after students refused occupation by a pro-government armed group, resulting in injury to more than seven students. Medical facilities have also been impacted in Taiz by the ongoing conflict, with at least three hospitals either attacked or occupied by armed groups in the past month.

The United Nations condemns the use of force against civilians and calls upon all armed actors involved in the conflict in Tiaz to exercise restraint and to uphold the principles of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law to ensure the safety and protection of all civilians. The United Nations urges all involved parties to take immediate action to avoid further casualties, to respect the civilian nature of hospitals and schools, and to ensure safe and timely access for humanitarian assistance to affected populations.