US$747.5 million needed to deliver humanitarian assistance to 8.2 million Yemenis in 2015


SANA’A – 5 March 2015: Recent developments in Yemen have underlined the need to maintain and expand humanitarian assistance to millions of vulnerable Yemenis, according to the Yemen Humanitarian Coordinator, Mr. Johannes Van der Klaauw.

Speaking today on the release of the revised Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan (YHRP), Mr. van der Klaauw stated that, “Despite political turmoil and conflict, the humanitarian community in Yemen remains fully operational and retains strong partnerships with local partners and communities that allows us to deliver aid across the country. We are committed to stay to provide much-needed humanitarian assistance and protection services for vulnerable people. I call on donors and other stakeholders to support these efforts in the coming year.”

Humanitarian partners estimate that 15.9 million people – or 61 per cent of Yemen’s population – need some form of humanitarian assistance in 2015. This includes 10.6 million people who are food insecure – half of whom are severely food insecure; 13.4 million people without access to safe water or adequate sanitation; and 8.4 million without access to adequate health care.

To address the most urgent needs, international and national humanitarian partners aim to reach 8.2 million people in 2015 with a range of life-saving, protection and resilience-building activities. To achieve this goal, partners are seeking $747.5 million, including $284.6 million (38 per cent) for the most essential life-saving and protection programmes. The majority of people targeted for assistance – over 5 million – will receive food or health services.

“Building on our achievements from last year, I am confident that humanitarian partners in Yemen can deliver on the goals set out in the revised 2015 YHRP,” Mr. van der Klaauw said. “Although Yemen is facing a number of political and socio-economic challenges in 2015, this is also the time that Yemenis most need our help. We look to Member States – including in the region – to maintain and expand their generous contributions, allowing partners to deliver neutral and impartial humanitarian aid to those who need it most.”

In 2014, humanitarian partners assisted close to 4 million people with food and livelihoods support, 1.3 million people with water and sanitation services, and 3.8 million with health support. Partners also provided protection services – including monitoring and reporting violations of children’s rights in conflict situations – to 1.4 million people.

For further information, please contact:
Mr. Erich Ogoso, Public Information Officer E-mail:
Mobile (Yemen): +967 71 2222 831
Mobile (Jordan): +962 795 203 158