Yemen Humanitarian Fund 2021 Annual Monitoring Report



This report provides an overview of key monitoring findings of YHF-funded projects (part 1). It covers monitoring conducted between 1 January and 31 December 2021. The report also provides a summary of monitoring data and explains the methodology of YHF monitoring modalities (part 2). It complements the YHF 2021 Annual Report which provides more details about the YHF and its operating context.

With over 100 monitoring missions a year and a vast monitoring coverage, the Fund collects a great wealth of information on the implementation of YHF-funded projects throughout Yemen. The Fund uses this information for internal project management and shares it with the broader humanitarian community through annual Monitoring Reports and real-time summaries of findings of each monitoring mission. This allows the humanitarian community to gauge the status of implementation of aid activities in Yemen beyond the YHF-funded projects. This is because many YHF findings are indicative of broader trends and issues in the delivery of humanitarian assistance in Yemen. The continuous information sharing of YHF monitoring findings puts humanitarian actors in a better position to collectively follow up on key common challenges.

Project monitoring is a critical part of the management of the YHF programme cycle and a key component of the Fund’s accountability framework. The YHF monitoring has the following key objectives:

  • Verifying reported project implementation progress and results as well as assessing the quality of implementation.
  • Seeking feedback from beneficiaries on whether the assistance they receive meets their needs.
  • Reviewing the use of resources as per the projects’ budget.
  • Verifying the projects’ adherence to the codes of conduct and cluster standards.
  • Increasing partners’ accountability vis-à-vis affected populations, donors and the YHF.
  • Using findings and recommendations for risk mitigation and risk management.
  • Identifying systemic challenges and sharing the findings with the broader humanitarian community.
  • Strengthening partnership and coordination between OCHA, implementing partners, clusters, local authorities and affected communities.
  • Using the collected information for public information and advocacy.

Given the challenging operating environment in Yemen, the YHF uses the following three monitoring modalities for comprehensive monitoring of the projects it funds:

  • Field site monitoring
  • Beneficiary Verification Surveys
  • Beneficiary Feedback and Complaints Mechanism

The combination of these modalities enables the YHF to collect and triangulate information from several independent sources. Despite limitations at times on staff travel in Yemen, these monitoring modalities enable the Fund to retain direct access to the voices of beneficiaries.