Humanitarian agencies and Government seek $378 million for Zimbabwe's needs

(Harare/New York, 7 December 2009): Humanitarian agencies and the Government of Zimbabwe today requested US$ 378 million to provide humanitarian assistance to millions of people in the country in 2010. Although the country's humanitarian situation has improved, it remains fragile. The improvements are largely attributable to political changes that positively influenced socio-economic conditions and greater cooperation between the Government of Zimbabwe, humanitarian partners and donors.

About six million people remain vulnerable because of the erosion of basic services and livelihoods following the protracted economic downturn. An equal number lack access to safe water and sanitation. Despite improvements in food security, the country faces a substantial national cereal deficit and about 1.9 million people will need food assistance at the peak of the 2010 hunger season between January and March. Almost 343,600 adults and 35,200 children under the age of 15 urgently need antiretroviral (ARV) treatment out of 1.2 million people living with HIV/AIDS. Child malnutrition remains a challenge, with 33 percent of children under the age of five chronically malnourished and 7 percent suffering from acute malnutrition. The education sector continues to face severe shortages of essential supplies and a high staff turnover. Since September 2009, Zimbabwe is facing a cholera outbreak that has spread to half of its 10 provinces.

A marked deterioration in existing infrastructure retards meaningful economic revival, hence the need to combine humanitarian assistance with support for 'humanitarian plus' or early recovery programmes. "This is a critical moment for the UN and partners to support both humanitarian and recovery activities in Zimbabwe. We hope donors will continue to generously support the people of Zimbabwe," said Ms Catherine Bragg, United Nations Assistant Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator. The Government, international and national NGOs also highlighted the improved cooperation between the government and the international community, and urged donors to support the projects in the appeal. The appeal was issued by 76 agencies including United Nations agencies, inter-governmental organizations, international and national non-governmental organizations, and community and faith-based organizations.

The 2010 Consolidated Appeal Process (CAP) for Zimbabwe remains aligned with the priorities of the government's Short-Term Economic Recovery Programme (STERP) and Medium-Term Plan (MTP) and includes early recovery and "humanitarian plus" interventions. The 2009 appeal for $719 million received 64 percent of the requested funding.

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