Allocation process

The Somalia Humanitarian Fund (SHF) supports activities and projects that have been prioritized as the most urgent and strategic to address acute unmet emergency and humanitarian needs and to respond to emerging needs. It also funds interventions to fill the highest priority gaps, for example, projects targeting people with disabilities or projects addressing the needs of affected children. Projects must be aligned with sector priorities outlined in Humanitarian Response Plans (HRP) and Flash Appeals, the operating principles included in the SHF Annual Strategy and the specific allocation strategy papers.  

Once a new emergency hits the country or critical gaps in the core humanitarian response need to be addressed, the SHF will undertake a consultation and analysis process to elaborate an allocation strategy paper for a call for proposals. The allocation strategy paper is developed in collaboration with partners, clusters/sectors, the SHF Advisory Board and the Humanitarian Coordinator (HC) in close consultation with the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT). Project proposals are prioritized and vetted within clusters/sectors through the Strategic Review Committee (SRC) and then recommended to the SHF Advisory Board for comments and final approval by the HC. SHF funds are channeled through partners (national, international NGOs, and the UN) that are best-placed to deliver prioritized activities in accordance with the agreed strategy and humanitarian principles in a timely and effective manner.  

Specifically, the SHF has two allocation modalities:  

  1. Standard allocation: this is the main mechanism for SHF allocations and the process through which the majority of funding is channeled to priority activities within the Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP). Large and medium-size strategic allocation rounds are typically launched once or twice a year, depending on the availability of funds. The basis for project submissions is the Standard Allocation Strategy, developed by the Inter-Cluster Coordination Group (ICCG), in close consultation with regional counterparts (Regional ICCGs). Allocation strategy is then approved by the Humanitarian Coordinator (HC) and endorsed by the SHF Advisory Board.
  2. Reserve allocation: this modality is primarily intended for the rapid and flexible allocation of funds for unexpected emergencies, to address emerging humanitarian needs or rapidly deteriorating situations. These funds can be allocated through individual reserve allocation or broader allocation rounds and accommodate disbursement of resources is response to specific humanitarian situations requiring a coordinated response outside the standard rounds.

2023 7.3 Reserve Allocation  

Reserve Allocation for Flood Response: Logistical support (helicopter deployment and common services (fixed wing aircraft, logs hub).


Under implementation

2023 7.2 Reserve Allocation  

Reserve Allocation for Flood Response: Galkacyo flash floods.

$3.5 million  

Under implementation

2023 7.1 Reserve Allocation  

Priority lifesaving response to El Nino induced flooding in Baidoa and Berdale.  

$5 million

Under implementation

2023 6th Reserve Allocation  

Reserve Allocation for Flood Response: Logistical support (one month helicopter deployment).


Under implementation  

2023 5th Reserve Allocation  

Early lifesaving response to communities projected to be most affected by El Nino induced riverine flooding in Hirshabelle (Jowhar, Beletweyne, Balcad) and Gedo (Baardheere, Luuq and Dollow).

$15 million  

Under implementation  

2023 4th Reserve Allocation

Assist humanitarian and non-profit organizations in fulfilling their mandates through the provision of essential security coordination and information services that help to understand the operating environment and reduce the risks confronting their staff and operations.


2023 3rd Reserve Allocation

Lifesaving response to the populations most affected by flooding and cholera in Gedo region through emergency Health, Shelter/NFI and WASH interventions. 
$3 million
Under implementation 

2023 2nd Reserve Allocation

Lifesaving response to the populations affected by the fighting in Laas Caanood through emergency Health, Shelter/NFI and WASH interventions in Sool region 
$2 million
Under implementation 

2023 1st Reserve Allocation

The project aims at enabling United Nations System (UNS) operations in Somalia to support the ongoing drought response and famine interventions in the country and ensuring that appropriate numbers and levels of security personnel are in place to support both the actual and projected increase in humanitarian operations, prioritizing access to particularly hard-to-reach areas as well as providing accurate and practical security information to enable humanitarian operations. 
$3 million
Under implementation 

2023 1st Standard  Allocation

Life-saving response to drought affected communities in Banadir, Bay, Lower and Middle Shabelle and minimizing drought displacements into Baidoa and Banadir settlements. 
$25 million 
Under implementation 


Somalia Humanitarian Fund Allocation Dashboard (As of 31 December 2023)