
The Somalia Humanitarian Fund allocates funds for critical humanitarian activities of international and national non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and United Nations agencies, funds and programmes. To become eligible for direct SHF funding, non-governmental partners need to fulfil the following three criteria:

  • The partner has passed the SHF capacity assessment.
  • The partner’s due diligence status in the SHF Grant Management System is approved.
  • The partner has no outstanding SHF oversight and compliance issues.

SHF capacity assessments

Step 1: Partner prioritization
Partners are recommended through the cluster system, on a periodic basis, to address critical capacity gaps in humanitarian response. In exceptional cases, a partner can be recommended due to its sound record and ability to address an immediate gap and/or if a partner is considered as strategically important by the Humanitarian Coordinator and the SHF Advisory Board.

Step 2: Pre-assessment
The prioritized potential partners are pre-screened by OCHA Somalia Humanitarian Financing Unit (HFU). The screening entails a review of due diligence documents to determine their suitability for an in-depth capacity assessment.

Step 3: Full assessment
Full field-based capacity assessment is conducted by an independent contractor on behalf of OCHA. Based on the results of the assessment, OCHA determines the eligibility of partners to apply for SHF funding and assigns the appropriate partner risk rating.

For more information, please consult the detailed SHF capacity assessment Questions & Answers  or contact the fund manager.