Governance and guidance

The Humanitarian Coordinator (HC) is responsible for the overall management of the SHF and is accountable for the use of funds. The SHF Advisory Board (current composition), chaired by the HC and formed by UN agencies, NGOs and donor representatives advises on the use of funds and the governance of the SHF.

On a day-to-day basis, the SHF is managed by OCHA Somalia Humanitarian Financing Unit (HFU) on behalf of the HC.

SHF Advisory Board Members (As of July 2023) 

Humanitarian Coordinator, NGO Consortium, Action Against Hunger (ACF), Plan International, Juba Foundation, Candlelight, Nagaad, IOM, UNFPA, FAO, Germany, Denmark, Netherlands, OCHA, Somalia Joint Fund (Observer), Somalia Peacebuilding Fund (Observer).

 What rules govern the Somalia Humanitarian Fund?

The SHF is guided by the Global Country-Based Pooled Fund Guidelines. This guidance is reflected in the localized SHF Operational Manual. The Policy Instruction sets out the principles, objectives, governance and management arrangements for CBPFs, while the Operational Handbook provides technical guidance, tools and templates used in the management of CBPFs.

The funds contracted to partners are further subject to the United Nations Financial Regulations and Rules (FRR). The SHF Operational Manual and its annexes provide technical guidance, tools and templates used in the management of the Fund.


SHF Operational Manual 2023 (April 2023)

Global Country-Based Pooled Fund Guidelines