
Non-governmental organizations and organizations of the Red Cross/Red Crescent movement that are registered in Sudan and are implementing humanitarian interventions can apply to become SHF implementing partners (IPs). The United Nations agencies are automatically incorporated as IPs.

Step 1 – Registration

Organizations interested to become an SHF partner should submit the following documents to shfsudan@un.org:

  • Official letter stating the request to become a partner. Letter provides official name of the organization.
  • Valid registration certificate issued by the Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC).
  • A recent bank statement.

The name of the organization should be identical in the above three documents. The partner is also advised to apply for a Humanitarian ID.

Step 2 – Due Diligence (DD)

If the registration documents are accepted, SHF invites the partner to upload the following documents in the Grant Management System - GMS:

  • Application form
  • Due diligence declarations
  • Registration certificate
  • Bank account information
  • Bank statement
  • Identification documents.

To ensure the organization meets the minimum requirements, the submitted documents are reviewed. If the organization is approved, the Capacity Assessment will be initiated.

Step 3 – Capacity Assessment (CA)

Finally, a capacity assessment determines the eligibility for SHF funding and the risk level of the organization. To this end, the SHF shares with the organization a list of documents it requires, including organigram, governance documents, manuals and policies of the organization, annual reports, work plans, financial statements, etc.

Organization passing the assessment are considered to have the necessary capacity to manage SHF funds and implement quality humanitarian projects. They can then participate in SHF allocations where their concept notes and proposals might be selected for funding.

Organization failing the DD or CA can re-apply after 6 months. Eligible partners that have not implemented SHF-funded projects for more than three consecutive years will be required to undergo a new capacity assessment.


Guidance note 7 - How to become a SHF partner?