Governance and guidance

The Humanitarian Coordinator (HC) for Sudan oversees the fund and its allocations. The HC’s vision for the fund is explained in the HC vision statement. The HC is supported in making funding decisions by the SHF Humanitarian Financing Unit in the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), the SHF Advisory Board and IASC coordination structures.

The SHF Advisory Board represents the views of donors, UN agencies and international and national NGOs and provides strategic advice to the HC on SHF allocations, policies and governance. It is a forum to share information on funding gaps and coverage, ensuring the transparency and relevance of SHF allocations, reviews the operational activities of the fund and undertakes periodic risk analysis.

The SHF is governed by an Operational Manual, that is within the framework provided by the Operational Handbook which describes the rules that apply to all CBPFs.

Management of the SHF

The SHF Humanitarian Financing Unit handles programmatic and financial aspects of the Fund and provides management support to the HC, which includes oversight of allocations, contracting, programmatic and financial monitoring and reporting, and other accountability processes.


HC vision statement

SHF 2020 Operational Manual

Risk level funding ceiling guide 


ERRM concept note

ERRM reporting

RfEP Case for funding

Visibility materials

CBPF identity guide

SHF logo blue

SHF logo white